- 82 projects across the country receiving funding
- Focus on combating dereliction & repurposing old buildings
- Successful projects include public plazas, farmers’ markets, town parks, youth centres and playgrounds
The Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys TD, has today (Monday, 29 April, 2024) announced funding of over €20 million to benefit rural towns and villages the length and breadth of the country.
Funding is being allocated to deliver 82 projects right across Ireland. The successful projects include the regeneration of derelict buildings, the provision of public plazas and farmers’ markets in town centres and the development of Town Parks.
The investment is being provided under the Town and Village Renewal Scheme with a particular emphasis on the revitalisation of rural town centres, which is a key objective of the Our Rural Future and Town Centre First Policies.
Announcing the funding in Mayo, Minister Humphreys said:
“I am delighted to approve funding of over €20m under the Town and Village Renewal Scheme. The benefit of this funding will be felt the length and breadth of the country. These projects have come from local communities themselves and I am delighted to see such a diverse range of projects ranging from new Town Parks and Playgrounds to the development of Farmers Markets and Outdoor Dining Spaces.
“I am also pleased to see a number of successful projects which will see vacant and derelict buildings brought back into use and repurposed with Community Halls and Youth Centres being provided. This is Our Rural Future in action, delivering at local level and making a real difference in our rural towns and villages”
Examples of some of the successful projects being funded today include:
- Cape Clear, Co. Cork (€228,355): Development of Cape Clear’s first children’s playground in the North Harbour.
- Ballyroan, Co Laois (€500,000): Redevelopment of the Old Boys School to include a children’s playground, MUGA, car park facility, public lighting and landscaping.
- Carrick-On-Shannon, Co Leitrim (€495,602): Bringing a vacant/derelict building back into use as a community/youth arts facility serving communities of all ages.
- Enfield, Co Meath (€500,000): The redevelopment and refurbishment of a vacant building to bring it back into use as a much needed community facility.
- Ballaghaderreen, Co Roscommon (€500,000): Creation of an inclusive and accessible town park, offering outdoor recreation in the centre of Ballaghaderreen.
- Culfadda, Co. Sligo (€250,000): Refurbishment of a vacant, village centre pub into a community social enterprise
- Lacken, Co. Wicklow (€250,000): Renovation of the old schoolhouse, built in 1869, into a community heritage centre and cafe.
The Minister added:
“There are more people living in rural Ireland than ever before. There are more people working in rural Ireland than ever before and there is more investment going into rural Ireland than ever before. These projects are all about making our rural towns and villages great places to live, work and raise a family. I want to thank the local communities who brought forward these proposals and I look forward to seeing work commence on many of these exciting projects in the near future.”
Since the Town and Village Renewal Scheme was introduced in 2016, over €177 million has been approved for almost 1,800 projects across the country.
Details of the successful projects can be found here or view the complete list below:
2023 Town and Village Renewal Scheme – 82 projects approved for €20.4m
CARLOW Project / Location Description Allocation
Carrigduff Bunclody
The consolidation of an existing Town Centre Outdoor Recreational Activity Hub
through expansion and upgrade of existing activity play area with modern
inclusive equipment and increased passive areas for social integration within the
Carlow Clonegal
Village Enhancement project to include paint scheme, signage, community
biodiversity project, upgrade of Heritage Centre, public realm upgrades in village
furniture and Wicklow Way Park.
Carlow St Mullins Village enhancements to include community park and parking enhancement,
paint scheme, signage and public realm upgrade. €117,000
Carlow Tullow
Support the rejuvenation of Tullow town through improvements to Riverfront
Amenity Area, St Austin’s Well and Biodiversity Garden, provision of Signage,
Virtual Heritage Trail and a Paint Scheme.
CAVAN Project / Location Description Allocation
Ballyconnell Development of an outdoor space at Ballyconnell Market House to facilitate
public events, markets in the town core with the aim of increasing footfall, dwell
time and economic activity. €243,145
Ballyhaise Improve the aesthetics and facilities at Ballyhaise Amenity Park, through the
upgrade of the gate lodge building and significant improvements to the Amenity
Park. €249,942
Shercock The upgrading of an existing hall to improve energy efficiency, and improve the
streetscape by painting prominent buildings, erection of new signage and four
CLARE Project / Location Description Allocation
Clare Ennistymon The creation of an inclusive, attractive and vibrant outdoor public square. €495,000
Killaloe Enhancement works to Tobermurragh park to provide the town with a central
public green space, steeped in history and rich in biodiversity. €225,000
Labasheeda Carry out essential works to conserve the character of the building (a former
church) that will enable the centre to serve as a multi-functional community
Clare Querrin Creation of a permanent venue for the Cottage Market and Repairs and
restoration to the historic Farnham Street railings. €221,400
CORK CITY Project / Location Description Allocation
Cork City
Blarney Develop a new platform & pathway to Clogheenmilcon Fen Bog, upgrade works
to Community Centre and drainage and ancillary works on the Waterloo Walking
Cork City Kerrypike Tarmacadam surfacing and lighting of tennis courts, parking areas and walkways
at Ballycannon Park, Kerrypike. €152,743
Cork City
Killeens Enhancing the public realm through the provision of additional landscaping and
seating benches, bicycles stand and the installation of a community notice board. €21,600
Cork City Tower Preparation of a landscape plan for selected areas and undertaking associated. €67,500
4 €566,680
CORK COUNTY Project / Location Description Allocation
Cork County Ballydehob Refurbishment of Ballydehob Playground to provide a more inclusive playground. €172,712
Cork County Cape Clear Develop Cape Clear’s first children’s playground ‘Clós Spraoi and Róis Bhuí’, in the
North Harbour. €228,355
Cork County Lisaviard Upgrade works to the Community Hall roof to provide a structurally bound base
for future installation of solar panels. €72,000
Cork County Millstreet Purchase of vacant property at West End and refurbish it into a vibrant and active
community space €117,000
DONEGAL Project / Location Description Allocation
Donegal Laghey Development of the Laghey Community Park to develop a dedicated outdoor
recreational amenity and play space. €250,000
Donegal Tory Island Improve the thermal performance and accessibility of An Club/Club Soísialta
which is the main social centre on Tory Island. €250,000
Rossnakill Repurpose the existing attic space of Rossnakill Tourism & Activity Centre and
provide a suite of additional multipurpose rooms including meeting rooms,
education & training rooms, with associated ancillary services.
FINGAL Project / Location Description Allocation
Fingal Rush Facilitate the general refurbishment of Rush Community Centre. €64,350
Skerries Phase 4 of the Development of Floraville Park in the centre of the town of
Skerries to include Sculpture/play elements, Signage and ancillary remedial
GALWAY Project / Location Description Allocation
Galway Dunmore Renovation and improved Accessibility of Dunmore Community Centre in
partnership with Dunmore Community Council. €250,000
Galway Gort Enhance the street frontage of the principal buildings both residential and
commercial within Gort Town centre. €250,000
Galway Maree Renovation and refurbishment of Maree Community Centre €250,000
KERRY Project / Location Description Allocation
Kerry Ballybunion Sustainable public realm enhancement works to the Main Street in Ballybunion
to improve mobility, outdoor dining and connectivity. €250,000
Kerry Dingle Upgrade and enhancement works to Dingle Town Park entrance. €191,250
Kerry Kenmare The purchase and renovation of the Sisters of St Clare into a community space. €500,000
KILDARE Project / Location Description Allocation
Kildare Calverstown Purchase of a serviced site in the centre of Calverstown Village for future
development of a community space. €198,000
Kildare town An activation programme to establish a successful weekly market, aligned to
recently introduced market byelaws for Kildare Town Square. €150,000
KILKENNY Project / Location Description Allocation
Kilkenny Callan Restoration of the Kings River to enable the community to use it for activities,
fishing, swimming and canoeing/kayaking €247,500
Kilkenny Dunnamaggin The transformation of a community green space into an events amenity. €247,500
Kilkenny Urlingford Phase 2 – Refurbishment of Urlingford Community Centre. €500,000
LAOIS Project / Location Description Allocation
Laois Ballyroan Redevelopment of the old Boys School to include a childrens playground, MUGA,
car park facility, public lights and landscapes area. €500,000
Laois Mountrath Regenerate the town centre facility which hosts the monthly farmers markets,
public realm works in the town square and landscape improvements €250,000
Laois Rathdowney Streetscape enhancement works in the town centre, to include upgrade of public
lighting. €218,119
LEITRIM Project / Location Description Allocation
Leitrim Carrick on Shannon To develop a community/youth arts facility serving communities of all ages and
bringing back into use, a town centre building at risk of dereliction. €495,602
Leitrim Manorhamilton Refurbishment of a vacant property in the centre of Manorhamilton into a fully
accessible dedicated youth hub. €250,000
LIMERICK Project / Location Description Allocation
Limerick Garrienderk Renovation and refurbishment of derelict property in village centre into
community centre and meeting space. €250,000
Limerick Kilcornan Accessible community walking trail with lighting, railings, benches, bollards and
ballsports wall at Kilcornan community fields. €223,805
Rathkeale Facilities upgrade of key community buildings in Rathkeale including internal
works to the community centre and building roof repairs to the local youth
LONGFORD Project / Location Description Allocation
Ballinalee The creation of a community park through the extension of the existing
playground to incorporate sensory play equipment, a walkway and space for free
Longford Edgeworthstown Renovation of a derelict building acquired under BAM for use as a charity shop
and social enterprise. €248,286
Longford Longford Special needs playground and parkland connection to Royal Canal Greenway
Spur, Longford Town. €379,170
LOUTH Project / Location Description Allocation
Louth Darver Refurbishment of the community centre to transform it into a contemporary,
secure and inviting environment. €79,200
Louth Reaghstown Preserve and enhance the Aclint Community Hall through external improvement
and parking area. €52,963
Louth Tullyallen Establish a community centred hub at the core of the village. €225,000
MAYO Project / Location Description Allocation
Mayo Balla Raise the Roof’ project to replace the roof of Balla Community Centre. €137,148
Mayo Ballycroy Redevelop the existing playground by replacing play equipment and play surface
to revitalize a central community space. €224,139
Mayo Castlebar Restoration of the Order of Malta building for multi-purpose use. €474,145
MEATH Project / Location Description Allocation
Meath Castletown Refurbishment of an old vacant cottage for community use incorporating a coffee
shop. €250,000
Meath Dunderry Refurbish Clady Hall, a Community Centre which has been disused for 7 years and
bring it back into use and restore its position at the heart of the community. €222,167
Enfield Develop and refurbish the old parish hall into a usable space for the community.
It will provide a much-needed community facility for a young and diverse
communities but will also bring back into use a vacant building.
Kells Transformation of an overgrown plot of land, into a sensory, biodiversity-rich
garden that is conductive to learning, relaxation and contemplation available for
use by all the community.
MONAGHAN Project / Location Description Allocation
Monaghan Ballybay Public realm works to enhance the area and streetscape of the Market House,
Ballybay. €250,000
Monaghan Clones Renewing Youth Centre: Refurbishment of Clones Youth Centre by upgrading the
infrastructure and enhancing the spaces for diverse community services. €250,000
Scotstown Refurbish St. Mary’s Community Hall in the village of Scotstown and surrounding
areas. This will result in a modern, accessible and visually appealing community
OFFALY Project / Location Description Allocation
Offaly Ferbane To create a recreational amenity and urban garden in the town centre of
Ferbane, Phase 2 of the Fairgreen redevelopment. €250,000
Offaly Killeigh To develop an outdoor area around the newly refurbished community centre to
facilitate the development of a farmers/artisan market and programming space. €250,000
ROSCOMMON Project / Location Description Allocation
Roscommon Ballaghaderreen Creation of a welcoming, inclusive and accessible town park, offering outdoor
recreation in the centre of Ballaghaderreen. €499,999
Roscommon Castleplunkett The regeneration of a central area of the village into a welcoming public outdoor
space with a nature-based play area and a social meeting point in the village. €250,000
Monksland Development of the second phase of Monksland Central Park to regenerate an
area with commercial vacancy and create a vibrant hub for community
enjoyment; including biodiversity area and a tiered seating/amphitheatre. €250,000
SLIGO Project / Location Description Allocation
Sligo Ballymote Enhancing the town centre to include town centre public realm works, and
Heritage Trail signage, and development of a heritage exhibition area. €250,000
Culfadda Refurbishment and upgrading of a vacant village-centre building in Culfadda,
County Sligo to provide space for a community social enterprise and
opportunities for new businesses and local employment.
Tubbercurry The purchase of two sites within Tubbercurry town centre to facilitate the
delivery of priorities identified in the Town Centre First plan to include a food hub
and recreational amenities. €500,000
TIPPERARY Project / Location Description Allocation
Carrig Development of Carrig Village Community Recreation Park and Wildlife Haven
together with a pedestrian access bridge over the local river. €176,099
Cashel Provide a high quality Town Park and public amenity in the centre of the town to
include bound gravel walkways, a boardwalk, reinforced grass paths, landscaping,
natural play elements, fencing, seating and signage.
Tipperary town Refurbish and provide universal access including mother & baby facilities at the
public toilets in Market Yard, Tipperary Town. This will also include facilities for
walkers and cyclists using the new and proposed walkways in the town.
WATERFORD Project / Location Description Allocation
Kill Development of an integrated community park with integrated seating, play and
musical equipment, performance area and ancillary works within the grounds of
the Kill Community Centre.
Waterford Lemybrien Development of an interconnected village centre with urban green spaces as
health promoting environments. €214,200
Waterford Lismore The regeneration of a derelict shed within the Lismore Union Workhouse
complex into a community facility for Lios Mór Morchuda Men’s Shed. €250,000
WESTMEATH Project / Location Description Allocation
Moate The rejuvenation of the main streets of Moate which will include an overhaul of
the aesthetics with painting of building facades, seating, shopfronts, connectivity
to amenities, floral displays and amenity signage. €180,000
Rathwire This project plans to rejuvenate the main street in Rathwire to form a new village
centre plaza. €112,356
Westmeath Streamstown The provision of additional facilities at Streamstown ‘Old Rail Trail’ amenity and
the addition of adult exercise equipment at the playground. €214,200
WEXFORD Project / Location Description Allocation
Carrig on Bannow Creation of a recreation amenity including playground, sensory garden, pocket
woodland and picnic area in the heart of the coastal village adjoining the
community centre.
Cushinstown Refurbishment of derelict farm buildings and walled garden into a multi-purpose
community facility focusing on crafts, music, horticulture, events and local
Rathgarogue A destination park in Rathgarogue village enabling organic food production in
allotments / greenhouses to be sold in artisan markets on site. Other features will
include a sensory garden, woodland, village green, marquee and playground. €500,000
WICKLOW Project / Location Description Allocation
Kirikee Glenmalure Refurbishment of Kirikee Community Hall, to include the renovation of the roof
and windows, remedial work on damp in ceilings and walls, insulation and sealing
of roof and walls.
Lacken The proposed project is to renovate the old schoolhouse, built in 1869, so it can
continue to be used as a community centre – including a community café, a
community shop with a small heritage section.
Wicklow The expansion of the current BMX pump track, at the Murrough in Wicklow
town, into a development of a best-in-class asphalt covered pump track, for all
ages and abilities.