• Minister Catherine Martin and Minister Thomas Byrne announce record investment of €4m in Women in Sport funding for 2024
• 45 sporting bodies nationwide to benefit from €2m allocation
• €1m ring-fenced for Football, Gaelic Games and Rugby
The Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, Catherine Martin, and the Minister of State for Sport, Physical Education and the Gaeltacht, Thomas Byrne, today announced a record investment of €4 million under the Women in Sport Programme for 2024.
The record funding allocation is an increase from €2.7m last year and is a doubling of the amount allocated in 2021 and 2022.
The Women in Sport Programme funds projects and initiatives across a wide range of sport. These projects support the government’s vision for women in sport as one where women have an equal opportunity to achieve their full potential, while enjoying a lifelong involvement in sport.
The Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, Catherine Martin T.D., said:
“The record €4 million provided by government for women in sport this year will go towards promoting more involvement by women and girls at all levels in sport. The government and Sport Ireland remain committed to eliminating the gender participation gap in sport. The recent Irish Sports Monitor Report for 2023 shows that the gap is now below 3% for the first time. The funding announced today will support sporting organisations in putting programmes in place to increase women’s participation in their sports and assist in achieving our aim of equal participation by 2027.”
Minister for Sport, Physical Education and the Gaeltacht, Thomas Byrne T.D., said:
“The record funding allocated by government to support the participation of women and girls in sport is delivering real and meaningful change. We now see the gender participation gap in sport at its lowest ever level and the record funding allocated by the government for the Women in Sport Programme reflects our determination to see this participation gap eliminated. Across the country, 45 sporting bodies will receive €2 million in funding under the Women in Sport Programme and a further €1 million will be allocated to football, Gaelic games and rugby. This record funding will enhance existing Women in Sport programmes and support the creation of exciting new initiatives across areas such as active participation, coaching, officiating and leadership.”
The Women in Sport funding will be allocated across several strands. Under the first of these, 45 National Governing Bodies will receive allocations totalling €2m as outlined in the table below. Sport Ireland will also ring-fence €1m to support the Large Field Sports. This investment will go towards further development of women’s football and rugby as well as Women in Sport programmes and projects that support integration within Gaelic games.
Sport Ireland Chief Executive, Dr Úna May, said:
“It is great news to welcome a record investment in funding under the Women in Sport Programme in 2024. Our aim is to have more women involved in sports and make sure they have the same chances to succeed in sport. This increased financial support will help to build on the current success we have with the WIS Programme.”
Nora Stapleton, Women in Sport Lead with Sport Ireland, said:
“The promotion of Women in Sport is central to the work of Sport Ireland. Since 2005, the Sport Ireland Women in Sport Programme has invested in a wide range of initiatives delivered by NGBs, LSPs and funded bodies to further the agenda of gender equality in sport. The Sport Ireland Policy on Women in Sport continues to provide a blueprint of the work required under the topic of women in sport. The four key target areas of the Policy (Coaching & Officiating; Active Participation; Leadership & Governance; and Visibility) remain as key topics and NGBs have been allocated funding to develop programmes or initiatives that support these target areas.”
In response to the ongoing success of Her Outdoors Week, Sport Ireland will continue to provide a grant scheme for LSPs and outdoor NGBs. The scheme, totalling €100,000, will support the roll out of events through Her Outdoors Week, which takes place from August 12th – 18th.
A sum of €150,000 will also be allocated to Local Sports Partnerships to assist their ongoing work with women and girls.
In addition, funding will be reserved for strategically important centralised projects managed by Sport Ireland. This funding may also be used to support organisations who did not apply for funding support in the current round.
Women in Sport NGB Funding Allocations 2024
National Governing Body – Amount
Athletics Ireland €110,000
Swim Ireland €110,000
Triathlon Ireland €80,000
Basketball Ireland €80,000
Gymnastics Ireland €80,000
Hockey Ireland €80,000
Golf Ireland €75,000
Rowing Ireland €75,000
Badminton Ireland €70,000
Cricket Ireland €70,000
Cycling Ireland €70,000
Tennis Ireland €70,000
Canoeing Ireland €65,000
Irish Athletic Boxing Association €60,000
Irish Wheelchair Association Sport €60,000
Volleyball Ireland €60,000
Irish Sailing €50,000
Mountaineering Ireland €50,000
Diving Ireland €40,000
National Community Games €35,000
Irish Squash €35,000
Motorsport Ireland €35,000
Irish Judo Association €30,000
ONAKAI €30,000
Special Olympics Ireland €30,000
Table Tennis Ireland €30,000
Fencing Ireland €20,000
Irish Waterski and Wakeboarding Federation €20,000
Olympic Handball Ireland €20,000
Pitch and Putt Ireland €20,000
Snooker & Billiards Ireland €20,000
Weightlifting Ireland €20,000
Irish Martial Arts Commission €18,000
Archery Ireland €15,000
Irish Lawn Bowls Association €15,000
Orienteering Ireland €15,000
Irish Surfing €14,000
Angling Council of Ireland €10,000
Irish Clay Target Shooting Association €10,000
Irish Ice Hockey Association €10,000
Bol Chumann na hÉireann €8,000
Croquet Association of Ireland €8,000
Vision Sports Ireland €8,000
Racquetball Association of Ireland €6,500
Irish Amateur Wrestling Association €2,500
Total €1,840,000
Additional NGB Special Projects
Basketball Ireland 3 x 3 Performance Development
Racquet Sport Collaboration – Allocation to Tennis
Total €160,000
Women in Sport Funding Allocation Summary
Women in Sport NGB Funding Allocation 2024 €1,840,000
Large Field Sport Organisation WIS Allocation €1,000,000*
Additional NGB Special Projects €160,000
Additional Women in Sport Grants (LSPs /HER
Centralised projects managed by Sport Ireland €750,000
Total €4,000,000
- Details to be finalised with the large field organisations (FAI, Gaelic Games, and
IRFU) over the coming months.