Sports Capital & Equipment Programme 2023 receives Record Number of Applications

The Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, Catherine Martin T.D, and the Minister of State for Sport and Physical Education, Thomas Byrne T.D., today announced details of the applications received under the latest round of the Sports Capital and Equipment Programme. 

The Programme is the Government’s primary vehicle for providing support to sports clubs and communities to develop sustainable sports infrastructure and increase active participation in sport around the country. 

Applications under the 2023 round of the Programme closed on 8 September, with 3,210 applications received, and a total of over €350m sought by all applicants.

Details of all applications received on a county basis, under the 2023 round of the Programme, have also been published by the Department today.

Minister Martin stated: “This is the highest number of applications ever received which shows the continued importance and popularity of the Sports Capital and Equipment Programme. I want to thank all of the volunteers throughout the country who submitted applications on behalf of their clubs and communities.”

Minister Byrne stated: “I am delighted with the response to the call for applications under the 2023 round of the Programme, with applications received from towns and villages right across the country, and over 60 different sports applying. The level of demand will make the allocation process challenging but we are determined to encourage active participation in sport through the provision of sports infrastructure. The publication of the scoring system and assessment manual will also ensure that funding is allocated in a fully transparent and fair manner. The scoring system has been revised to better target and prioritise applications from disadvantaged areas, applications which will increase participation, including female participation, and users with disabilities, and those which share facilities with other users and the wider community. I aim to see the first set of allocations announced in the coming months.”

Details of all applications received on a county basis have been published on the Department’s website here.

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