The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth is inviting applications from organisations who work with young people to apply for funding under the LGBTI+ Youth Fund 2024. A total of up to €400,000 is being made available in grants to applicants to the fund, with the term of the grant running from October 2024 to December 2025.
The fund has been established to support initiatives that make a difference in ensuring LGBTI+ young people are visible, included, treated equally, healthy, and safe in their communities.
The fund supports initiatives related to this goal at community, regional and national level. Initiatives eligible for funding include, but are not limited to:
• Initiatives to enhance the ability of youth work services to meet the needs of LGBTI+ young people, whether in dedicated groups or otherwise, including through training and other resources;
• Initiatives to enhance the services provided by NGO or community organisations to LGBTI+ young persons, such as providing additional outreach capacity or locations;
• Initiatives to promote inclusion of LGBTI+ young people in educational settings, within the workplace, or in wider society;
• Initiatives to support social inclusion and address multiple discrimination for LGBTI+ young people at heightened risk of marginalisation such as Travellers, Roma, migrant communities, people with disabilities, etc.;
• Initiatives to combat the impact of rural isolation on young members of the LGBTI+ community.
Grant amounts of between €20,000 and €75,000 are available to support projects that will make a substantial impact in advancing the objectives of the fund.
Applications are invited from organisations that can demonstrate a track record in working with young people, in particular with LGBTI+ young people, defined for the purposes of this scheme as those aged under 25, and who have proposals for programmes of work that can make a real difference in the lives of LGBTI+ young people.
Further information on eligibility, the funding available and the application process can be found in the LGBTI+ Youth Fund 2024 guidance note available here: LGBTI+ Youth Fund 2024
Queries may be addressed to YAUCompliance@equality.gov.ie
The fund will be administered by the Youth Affairs Unit of the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth.