€350,000 fund under the Communicating Europe Initiative 2024 Announced

The Minister of State for European Affairs, Peter Burke TD, has today invited voluntary organisations and civil society groups, educational bodies and local authorities to apply for funding under the Department of Foreign Affairs’ Communicating Europe Initiative. €200,000 is being made available to community and voluntary organisations, and €150,000 to local government projects.

The Communicating Europe Initiative (CEI) is aimed at deepening public awareness of the role the EU plays in our daily lives and improving the quality and accessibility of public information on European issues.

Applicants should seek to communicate European issues, the role of the European Union and Ireland’s place in Europe. Projects are encouraged that highlight the upcoming European Parliament elections, mark the 20th anniversary of the 2004 EU enlargement and those that educate and mobilise young people on EU issues.

Announcing the launch of the scheme, Minister Burke said,

“As Minister for European Affairs, my priority is to promote national discussion about Ireland’s place in Europe and the impact our EU membership continues to have on our daily lives. The European Institutions can sometimes feel distant to people and it’s important that Government supports citizens to become more engaged in the key issues that affect their communities.

This is particularly important when we look toward the upcoming European Parliamentary elections in June. Irish citizens, including many young people who will head to the polls for the first time, will shape future EU policy by casting their vote.

The type of projects awarded funding in previous years was really varied – from school events, to podcasts and radio programmes – and it’s always exciting to see the creativity and energy that’s put into these projects.”

Previous projects funded have included local media projects and competitions, school initiatives and interactions, promotion of employment opportunities in EU Institutions and EU-related Citizens’ Dialogues. Projects have promoted themes on the role of women and young people in the EU, climate action and the importance of diversity in Ireland to our relationship with the EU.

Further details including application forms are now available here .

While decisions on the number and level of grant will be dependent on the number and range of proposals received, it is envisaged that
the maximum individual grant awarded will be in the order of €10,000.

The closing date is 11 March 2024.

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